Thursday, September 11, 2014

What I believe is NOT RELIGION; I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

Am I a man of THE CLOTH?

Many have wondered what I believe about God and whether or not I have a religion.  Well here's the best brief answer I can give about who and what I believe:

Look at this picture here of a Holy Bible:

No I'm not a man of the cloth

I don't care whether that bible is made of CLOTH, LEATHER, or anything else.  I'm simply a man who believes that record in the Holy Bible King James Version from the book of GENESIS through the book of REVELATION.  That is in total 66 books.  The important thing is that this word of truth is rightly divided, which in many cases it is not.

So I'm a man who believes in God spelled in English as G-O-D.  And I also know him to be called by various other titles in here such as but not limited to Jehovah, the LORD, the LORD God, the Almighty and so forth.  I also believe in the record that God was manifest in the flesh and that it is a great mystery that Jesus was God manifest in the flesh.  So I believe in and receive the Godhead (otherwise known as the TRINITY to some) and I recognize that God is God and there is no God beside him.  There may be other gods (like the god of this world) and lords and so forth but there's only one true and living God.  

The good thing is that the grace of God through his Son the Lord Jesus Christ was revealed to us Gentiles and preached to us and some of them (Gentiles) like myself have simply believed and received this gospel of the grace of God how that he died for us according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.  He who knew no sin was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 

So I'm not RELIGIOUS although I am described as such by others who also categorize me as being some MAN OF THE CLOTH--whatever that is.  All I know is I am made RIGHTEOUS by the blood of Christ.  

I realize that people don't understand this nor do they believe it in most cases but that's a basic summary of what I am right now and simply I am a member of Christ's body and that is of his flesh and of his bones.  Without going into too much details I am circumcised without hands and I have been baptized too.  You can come to your own conclusions about what that means but that's your opinion.  

Some people tell me I need this or that but I have learned and understand that I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit and that I am also sealed unto the day of redemption.  So basically there's some hope for me in Christ Jesus and if that's simply a fairy tale to you then that's your own privilege not to believe what I confess here.  

Other than that I'm just a man that is in Christ.  Maybe that's not too fancy but for me I can rest in that.

Oh and by the way I don't have everything figured out like some of these great ones but I still search out various matters.   

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

In closing I have been told that MY RELIGION IS WEIRD.  If that's weird religion to you then I'm weird to you and I'm not a bit concerned about it.  

I also realize that these beliefs have put me into various categories today that are described by ignorant men such as being a POTENTIAL DOMESTIC TERRORIST or also as a RADICAL, FUNDAMENTALIST, SEPARATIST, EXTREMIST and having WEIRD RELIGION.   These adversaries that stereotype those of us in Christ like to manufacture these false accusations against us.  So be it.