Friday, November 14, 2014

King Hussein Obama may face IMPEACHMENT over IMMIGRATION



When will we the people (or we the LEGALS) take notice!

Many of us abide by all the ever increasing complicated STATE, FEDERAL, and LOCAL LAWS and yet are targeted by our own Americans as some kind of domestic terrorist or alleged threat because we might carry a HOLY BIBLE King James Version and own some guns.   Not only that it's utterly amazing all the recent police brutality reports are rising and also how law enforcement likes to lie in wait to catch men and manufacture criminals through their sneaky tactics and traffic stops.

Meanwhile the illegals are coming here along with borders being opened to even more foreigners through LENGTHENED VISAS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY and America is now being infiltrated by foreigners who don't have to follow the rules to get here as citizens and are being signed in by OATH OF OFFICE VIOLATIONS brought to you by the Obama government: