Monday, May 4, 2015

A message to the Black Men of America

Get a lesson from Mike Ramey

Is there a message here?

A friend of mine (who is also white by the way) is friends with this Mike Ramey.   I'm going to be reviewing Mike Ramey here on The News UNIT and learning more about him.  

For those of you who write to me and tell me I'm racist, I really don't care what you think.  I have nothing with you and if you want to call yourselves niggers all the time and chase bitches and hoes go ahead.  I have my friends and more importantly brethren in Christ who's skin color doesn't matter to me.  But when you start to force your culture as if it's to be exalted then we have a problem.

I'm not interested in culture, I'm in Christ Jesus.  Go exalt your culture at your own risk:

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

--MATTHEW 23.12

With all the latest nonsense surrounding our nation's law enforcement thugs across America who have been assaulting people beyond belief we now have a new culture of African Americanism being shoved in the face of America that promotes calling each other niggers, committing crime, and chasing bitches and hoes.  And all of this is to promote justice for Michael Brown or Freddie Gray? Am I missing something here?  Where are the real Black Americans that have severed their ties to Africa?  How about some Black Americans? 
