Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jim Rogers owns the U.S. DOLLAR SAFE HAVEN

More turmoil is coming next few years


Right now it is best to own the U.S. DOLLAR either in physical form or in the futures markets or in some ETF.   Even owning select equities is the smart investors way of hedging against either the coming turmoil or just the usual oscillations and instability with the current market conditions.  There really are no other safe haven assets as asset depreciation is underway and some kind of global move in underway to reinvent economics.  In fact there really isn't economics anymore as there is large scale market manipulation and control by central banks and their related finance ministers.

As far as Greece goes it really is not a disaster.  When you watch the lines at ATMs you see people just calmly standing there and no civil unrest, no protesting, and no riot police.  In fact I never see any police in any of the news videos and although some of the media is calling this so catastrophic it should be obvious to even the casual observer that it is not a catastrophe.  More likely this is a distraction and an example as to what is going to be the global norm with central bank intervention and monetary policy.  

Watch the various reports below and notice that there is only a nugget of truth in all the media and alternative media deception below.  The rest is all designed to keep everyone confused and guessing and rather distracted instead of being aware of what is really going on:
