Monday, October 5, 2015

God will ordain Donald Trump as the next U.S. President

Donald Trump is God's man.

"...any tongue that rises up against him will be condemned according to the word of God."
--Paula White, Evangelist

You don't like that?  Take it up with God.  

And you cannot stop the power of God in this one.

If you notice carefully and observe the dishonest news reports as accurately as possible, Donald Trump has taken quite a bit of heat in his campaign.  God is now with Donald Trump in this campaign and if you think God is not in this then knock yourself out if you think you can fight against God.  

Fear not America and conspiracy fear porn advocates!  Obama is not going to invite himself into a third term because God just came to the rescue in all of these matters and he is raising up Donald Trump in these last days to lead this nation in the most unusual way ever before seen in the history of the United States of America:

I've been meditating on these things for some time now and at times my cogitations would trouble me concerning America and all the evil men and seducers that are waxing worse and worse.  But God is about to judge this nation in the most unusual manner yet not so unusual.  And God is going to raise up Donald Trump to make his power known and that his name will be declared throughout the whole earth. 

Donald Trump recently attended a meeting in the Trump Tower in New York with prominent evangelical leaders who prayed over him and laid hands on him according to the scripture:

Charisma News reports that Megachurch pastor Paula White set up the meeting
 attended by evangelical leaders such as Kenneth and Gloria Copeland,
Jentezen Franklin, David Jeremiah, Jan Crouch, Steve Munsey, Jews for
Jesus Rabbi Kirt Schneider, Bishop George Bloomer, Bishop Darrell Scott,
 and Clarence McClendon. 
