Monday, November 16, 2015

CNN to Obama, "Why can't we take out these (ISIS) bastards?"

The commander in chief of the Mightiest Military in the world is at a loss against ISIS:

Eventually all the POLITICAL CORRECT nonsense is going to have to end and the REALITY OF ISIS and ISIL or whatever we are supposed to call these bastards (so we don't offend them) will set in.  It looks like ISIS is more powerful than the U.S.A. MILITARY as Obama is at a loss for words here and fumbling over and over again in regards to this campaign against ISIS.

So who has the stronger military here?  Is is ISIS or the U.S.A.? 

The terrorists are financed from 40 countries.  It's amazing to see the video of the nice  TOYOTA DIESEL trucks that ISIS bastards get to drive while we in America cannot get them.  ISIS is a very privileged group that is rewarded good for their evil while We the People of the United States of America are rewarded evil for good. Something wrong?  Oh yea!

A little look at the Quran and Islam the Religion of Peace...
